Parametric Frost Insurance — Descartes
Group 8

Parametric Frost Insurance

Download Descartes’ Parametric Frost Insurance Fact Sheet and Case Study

For vulnerable fruit, nut and grape varieties, frost can have devastating effects during a very precise period of the growing season. The critical timing and temperature of frost risk poses a challenge in which very few traditional insurance covers can accurately capture. Descartes’ parametric frost insurance uses on-site sensors to capture precise temperature variations across client’s fields and tailors coverage periods to specific phenological stages.

We structure our parametric frost solution using a minimum daily temperature index. We monitor the risk in real-time via a connected network of on-site weather stations installed at insured locations. The station sensors capture precise temperature variations throughout the premises, such as low valley frosts versus warm sunny slopes. Coverage periods usually stretch from April to June. The risk period is client-specified and can be adjusted to reflect an early start of the blossoming season. The risk period can also be subdivided according to each phenological stage vulnerability. Our parametric frost solutions are tailor made for the client and structured specifically for each winery or each type of fruit.

Learn more about how our parametric frost insurance can benefit growers and investors in vineyards, orchards, and fruit plantations by downloading our ‘Parametric Frost Insurance Fact Sheet & Case Study!

Download Descartes’ Parametric Frost Insurance Fact Sheet and Case Study

For vulnerable fruit, nut and grape varieties, frost can have devastating effects during a very precise period of the growing season. The critical timing and temperature of frost risk poses a challenge in which very few traditional insurance covers can accurately capture. Descartes’ parametric frost insurance uses on-site sensors to capture precise temperature variations across client’s fields and tailors coverage periods to specific phenological stages.

We structure our parametric frost solution using a minimum daily temperature index. We monitor the risk in real-time via a connected network of on-site weather stations installed at insured locations. The station sensors capture precise temperature variations throughout the premises, such as low valley frosts versus warm sunny slopes. Coverage periods usually stretch from April to June. The risk period is client-specified and can be adjusted to reflect an early start of the blossoming season. The risk period can also be subdivided according to each phenological stage vulnerability. Our parametric frost solutions are tailor made for the client and structured specifically for each winery or each type of fruit.

Learn more about how our parametric frost insurance can benefit growers and investors in vineyards, orchards, and fruit plantations by downloading our ‘Parametric Frost Insurance Fact Sheet & Case Study!

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